Inherits from NSObject
Declared in DCAuthority.h


Execute authentication.

The authority provides interfaces to authenticate with server according to OAuth. Use the methods declared here to authenticate with server and to get DCAuthenticationContext object.

Class Methods


Invoke authentication process to get DCAuthenticationContext object.

+ (void)authenticateOnNavigationController:(UINavigationController *)controller withClientId:(NSString *)clientId clientSecret:(NSString *)clientSecret redirectUri:(NSString *)redirectUri scopes:(NSArray *)scopes storeKey:(NSString *)storeKey accessibility:(CFTypeRef)accessibility block:(DCAuthenticateBlock)block





The client key string which is issued for your service. must not be nil or empty.


The client secret string which is issued for your service. must not be nil or empty


The redirect URI which you registered. must not be nil or empty.


Scopes to request permissions to docomo authentication server. must not be nil or empty. Elements of this array must be NSString. Elements of this array must not be nil or empty. Applications can get scopes defined in a specification of docomo Developer support version 2.0.0 with class methods in DCScope. Applications also use scopes defined after a specification of docomo Developer support version 2.0.0 by appending scope string defined in a newer specification to this array. Even if applications set same scope strings into this array, PhotoColleSDK sends only one scope and ignore other same scopes.


A key to save and load DCAuthenticationContext automatically. If nil or empty, automatic saving and loading does not occur.


Accessibility of saved authentication. Detail of accessibility are described at [DCAuthenticationContext saveByKey:accessibility:error:]. If storeKey is not nil or empty, accessibility must not be NULL. Otherwise, accessibility is ignored and can be NULL. If storeKey is nil or empty, PhotoColleSDK does not save access token automatically, so accessibility is not required.


The callback for receiving a result of authentication process.


Access token is saved with specified storeKey. If valid access token is stored with specified storedKey, this method skips authentication and uses stored access token. Otherwise this method authenticate with PhotoColle network by OAuth2.0. After success of authentication, PhotoColleSDK saves retrieved access token with specified storeKey.

PhotoColleSDK refreshes access token if the stored token is going to be expired. Calling this method or method in DCPhotoColle requires authentication triggers refresh token. After the refresh token succeeded, stored token will be overwritten with the storeKey given to this method.

If refresh token fails in this method, this method start to authenticate with PhotoColle network.

If refresh token fails in the method of DCPhotoColle, PhotoColleSDK removes stored access token bound to specified storeKey.

Applications must request permissions with scopes. Applications must send at least one scope to docomo authentication server.

The callback block is called when receiving a result of authenticate.

   NSArray *scopes = @[
               [DCScope photoGetContentsList],
               [DCScope photoGetContent],
               [DCScope photoUploadContent],
               [DCScope photoGetVacantSize],
               [DCScope photoUpdateRotateInfo],
               [DCScope photoUpdateTrashInfo],
               [DCScope photoGetGroupInfo],
               [DCScope phonebookAllowedFriendsBidirectional],
               [DCScope phonebookPostFeed],
               [DCScope phonebookAddContact],
               [DCScope databoxAll],
               [DCScope userid]

   [DCAuthority authenticateOnNavigationController:controller
                                             block:^(DCAuthenticationContext *context, NSError *error) {
       if (error != nil) {
           // check error.
       } else {
           // use context.

Errors notified by DCAuthenticateBlock

Error domains

This DCAuthenticateBlock notifies NSError at error situation. Domains notified by this DCAuthenticateBlock are followings:

Domain name Explanation
DCAuthenticationErrorDomain this error is raised when authentication is failed.
DCAuthenticationCanceledErrorDomain This error is raised when authentication is canceled by user.
Error codes

DCAuthenticationErrorDomain has error code to show detail of the error. Type of error code is DCAuthenticationErrorReason.

User information

DCAuthenticationErrorDomain and DCAuthenticationCanceledErrorDomain does not have userInfo.



One or more arguments are invalid.

Declared In



Invoke refresh token process to update AuthenticationContext object.

+ (void)refreshTokenWithAuthenticationContext:(DCAuthenticationContext *)authenticationContext block:(DCAuthenticateBlock)block



the authentication context to be updated. must not be nil. authenticationContext loaded by [DCAuthenticationContext loadByKey:error:] can not be refreshed.


The callback for receiving a result of authentication process. must not be nil.


This method refreshes access token with PhotoColle network by OAuth2.0. If refresh token process succeed and automatic saving is enabled on authenticationContext, then updated authenticationContext is saved automatically. DCAuthenticationContext satisfying one or more following conditions is automatic saving enabled.

You can check remaining time of access token by [DCAuthenticationContext remainingTimeInSeconds].



One or more arguments are invalid.

Declared In
