
jkii is JSON parser library written in c (conforms to c99). It allows to specify multiple fields by jsonpath notation to obtain its values. This design is inspired by microjson.

jkii is designed to fit resource limited environment. You can choose static or dynamic memory allocation.

Build jkii

Execute following command on this directory.

mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake ..

### Debug Build

mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..


If you want to extract "hoo" value from following JSON string:

"hoo" : "bar"

We can extract "hoo" value by following code:

const char json_string[] = "{\"hoo\":\"bar\"}"; // target json string.
jkii_field_t fields[2];
memset(fields, 0x00, sizeof(fields));
char buf[16];
fields[0].path = "/hoo";
fields[0].field_copy.string = buf;
fields[0].field_copy_buff_size = sizeof(buf) / sizeof(buf[0]);
fields[1].path = NULL;
jkii_token_t tokens[8];
jkii_resource_t resource = {tokens, 8};
sizeof(json_string) / sizeof(json_string[0]),
if (result == JKII_ERR_OK) {
// success to extract "hoo" value.
// you can find "hoo" value in buf array.


jkii uses jsmn. It is statically linked by default.

jsmn is published under MIT License.