
With tio and Kii Interaction Framework, you can quickly implement IoT devices which supports following functionalities.

tio consists of following modules.

Responsible for watching remote control command and propagate the command to IoT device application.

Once the module has been started, The loop inside the module keeps watching command arrival from the cloud.

Responsible for upload data read from sensors equipped to IoT devices.

Once the module has been started, The loop inside the module keeps asking for update by sensors periodically with the specified interval.

You can choose to run both tio_handler_t and tio_updater_t or either one.

Use tio_handler_t

Callback functions

Application developer needs to prepare following callback functions.

Task callbacks

tio_handler_t needs executing task asynchronously since it keeps waiting for commands sent to MQTT topic.

tio needs abstraction with callbacks since the way of dispatch async tasks varies in different environments.

Task creation

Task create callback function signature is following.

typedef kii_task_code_t
(const char* name,
void* param);

Typical implementation with pthread:

kii_task_code_t task_create_cb
(const char* name,
void* param)
pthread_t pthid;
int ret = pthread_create(&pthid, NULL, entry, param);
if(ret == 0)
return KII_TASKC_OK;

Task continue callback

Task continue callback is used to determine whether to continue or exit task from the loop.

Task continue callback signature:

typedef kii_bool_t
(void* task_info,
void* userdata);

Implementation in example app:

tio_bool_t _handler_continue(void* task_info, void* userdata) {
if (term_flag == true) {
return KII_FALSE;
} else {
return KII_TRUE;

term_flag is a variable determines whether to continue. Example app set it true when received SIGINT generated by Ctrl-C.

Note that we use atomic_bool type introduced in C11 since term_flag is referenced from signal handler, main thread and handler task thread (_handler_continue() is executed in handler task thread.)

Task exit callback

Task exit callback is called when task continue callback returns KII_FALSE or unrecoverable error occurs.

In this callback, you may need to free memories used for the handler task and other necessary steps when exiting task.

In the example app, we don't give allocated memory to tio_handler and pthread doesn't requires special treatment when exit loop, just set flag that indicate task has been exited safely.

void _handler_exit(void* task_info, void* userdata) {
printf("_handler_exit called\n");
handler_terminated = true;

handler_terminated is a variable indicates that resources allocated by handler is now all freed.

Details of memory management when exiting handler task, please refer to API reference of tio_handler_set_cb_task_exit().

We use atomic_bool here since the flag is referenced in main thread as well before exiting the process. (_handler_exit() is executed in handler task thread.)

Delay callback

In some situation program needs to wait for specified period of time to avoid the loop runs too fast or making too many requests to servers, etc.

tio needs abstraction with callbacks since the way varies in different environments.

Delay callback function signature is following.

typedef void
(unsigned int msec);

Typical implementation with usleep provided by libc:

void delay_ms_cb(unsigned int msec)
usleep(msec * 1000);

Socket callbacks.

tio provides abstraction of socket related functions.

Socket callback functions signature:

typedef khc_sock_code_t
(void* sock_ctx, const char* host, unsigned int port);
typedef khc_sock_code_t
(void* sock_ctx, const char* buffer, size_t length);
typedef khc_sock_code_t
(void* sock_ctx, char* buffer, size_t length_to_read,
size_t* out_actual_length);
typedef khc_sock_code_t
(*KHC_CB_SOCK_CLOSE)(void* sock_ctx);

You can see implementation with OpenSSL at linux-sample

sock_ctx argument is arbitrary data context which application can use. Application should pass the pointer of the data when calling tio_handler_set_cb_sock_connect_http(), tio_handler_set_cb_sock_send_http(), tio_handler_set_cb_sock_recv_http(), tio_handler_set_cb_sock_close_http(), tio_handler_set_cb_sock_connect_mqtt(), tio_handler_set_cb_sock_send_mqtt(), tio_handler_set_cb_sock_recv_mqtt(), tio_handler_set_cb_sock_close_mqtt() methods.

Note that, tio_handler uses MQTT(s) to receive remote control commands and uses HTTP(s) to send the result of command execution.

Application can choose to pass different implementations of socket functions or same one. If you choose to pass same pointer of the function, Please also check Asynchronous task management section as well.

For both MQTT and HTTP, using them over secure connection is highly recommended. Our cloud supports non-secure connection for now. However, we may terminate supports of insecure connections in the future.

Notes about socket implementation used for MQTT.

Underlying socket implementation used for MQTT must be blocking mode and its recv/ send timeout must be shared with tio_handler_t.

We use socket timeout to estimate elapsed time since we sent last MQTT messages to send MQTT PINGREQ message periodically.

MQTT keep alive interval must be larger than recv/ send timeout. Twice as large as recv/ send timeout works fine but recommend few minutes to avoid congestion.

Action callback

Action callback is called when the IoT device receives remote control command. You can implement IoT device specific control in the callback such as turn on/ off devices or changes level of actuators, etc.

Action callback signature:

tio_action_t* action,
void* userdata);

eg.) "AirConditioner", "LevelMonitor", etc.

eg.) "setPresetTemperature", "executeMonitering", etc.

eg.) If the action_name is "setPresetTemperature", action_value.type might be a long_value and it's value is 26, 18, etc.

When the execution is failed, you can set the message in err argument and returns false. The result of execution and error message is stored in the cloud.

user_data argument is a context object pointer given to tio_handler_start() method.

Alias, action name, action value and its type is defined by the feature called Trait.

For more details about Trait, please refer to the document.

Set-up tio_handler_t instance

Here's the set-up code extracted from example app. The full code can be checked handler_init() in example.c

tio_handler_set_app(handler, KII_APP_ID, KII_APP_HOST);
tio_handler_set_cb_task_create(handler, task_create_cb_impl);
tio_handler_set_cb_delay_ms(handler, delay_ms_cb_impl);
tio_handler_set_cb_sock_connect_http(handler, sock_cb_connect, http_ssl_ctx);
tio_handler_set_cb_sock_send_http(handler, sock_cb_send, http_ssl_ctx);
tio_handler_set_cb_sock_recv_http(handler, sock_cb_recv, http_ssl_ctx);
tio_handler_set_cb_sock_close_http(handler, sock_cb_close, http_ssl_ctx);
tio_handler_set_cb_sock_connect_mqtt(handler, sock_cb_connect, mqtt_ssl_ctx);
tio_handler_set_cb_sock_send_mqtt(handler, sock_cb_send, mqtt_ssl_ctx);
tio_handler_set_cb_sock_recv_mqtt(handler, sock_cb_recv, mqtt_ssl_ctx);
tio_handler_set_cb_sock_close_mqtt(handler, sock_cb_close, mqtt_ssl_ctx);
tio_handler_set_mqtt_to_sock_recv(handler, TO_RECV_SEC);
tio_handler_set_mqtt_to_sock_send(handler, TO_SEND_SEC);
tio_handler_set_http_buff(handler, http_buffer, http_buffer_size);
tio_handler_set_mqtt_buff(handler, mqtt_buffer, mqtt_buffer_size);
tio_handler_set_keep_alive_interval(handler, HANDLER_KEEP_ALIVE_SEC);
tio_handler_set_cb_task_continue(handler, _handler_continue, NULL);
tio_handler_set_cb_task_exit(handler, _handler_exit, NULL);

Here's anatomy of set-up calls.

tio_handler_init call

This function must be called prior to any other functions of tio_handler_t.

tio_handler_set_app call

Set the Kii application information.

In the example, KII_APP_ID and KII_APP_HOST is defined as Macro. Those are used to identify work space in the cloud and the value is determined when you Kii Cloud App has been created. To create your Kii Cloud App, Sign-up to Developer console.

Set-up callbacks

Task callbacks.

Set callback function pointers.

tio_handler_set_cb_task_create(handler, task_create_cb_impl);
tio_handler_set_cb_delay_ms(handler, delay_ms_cb_impl);

Socket callbacks.

Set callback function pointers and context data pointers. If you application allocates memory/ resources for context data, application is responsible to free those memory/ resources.

Different context objects named http_ssl_ctx and mqtt_ssl_ctx is used since the connection and it's life-cycle is different between them.

tio_handler_set_cb_sock_connect_http(handler, sock_cb_connect, http_ssl_ctx);
tio_handler_set_cb_sock_send_http(handler, sock_cb_send, http_ssl_ctx);
tio_handler_set_cb_sock_recv_http(handler, sock_cb_recv, http_ssl_ctx);
tio_handler_set_cb_sock_close_http(handler, sock_cb_close, http_ssl_ctx);
tio_handler_set_cb_sock_connect_mqtt(handler, sock_cb_connect, mqtt_ssl_ctx);
tio_handler_set_cb_sock_send_mqtt(handler, sock_cb_send, mqtt_ssl_ctx);
tio_handler_set_cb_sock_recv_mqtt(handler, sock_cb_recv, mqtt_ssl_ctx);
tio_handler_set_cb_sock_close_mqtt(handler, sock_cb_close, mqtt_ssl_ctx);

Set-up buffers

tio_handler needs memory buffer to store HTTP/ MQTT payloads.

In this example, assigned 4KB for HTTP payloads and 2KB for MQTT payloads. This size may covers most use-cases. However, If you're remote command definition is more and larger, you may need to allocate larger size.

Note that buffer for HTTP and MQTT must be isolated. Passing overlapping memory causes undefined behavior.

tio_handler_set_http_buff(handler, http_buffer, http_buffer_size);
tio_handler_set_mqtt_buff(handler, mqtt_buffer, mqtt_buffer_size);

Set-up MQTT socket timeout.

tio_handler_t needs socket timeout in seconds to send MQTT PINGREQ periodically.

Note that application must implement socket timeout in the socket callback implementation. You can see example here

tio_handler_set_mqtt_to_sock_recv(handler, TO_RECV_SEC);
tio_handler_set_mqtt_to_sock_send(handler, TO_SEND_SEC);

Set-up MQTT Keep Alive interval.

In the example, HANDLER_KEEP_ALIVE_SEC is defined as Macro and value is 300 (in seconds).

MQTT have mechanism called Keep Alive detecting stale connection between the MQTT broker.

tio_handler_t acts as MQTT clients and send PINGREQ to MQTT broker periodically with the specified interval. If PINGRESP from MQTT broker is not present, tio_handler_t would close the current connection and make fresh connection again.

If interval is set to 0, Keep Alive is turned off and no PINGREQ message is send to MQTT broker.

We highly recommend setting Keep Alive interval greater than 0 to detect disconnection. Recommended interval is few minutes since too small interval may cause network congestion and increases cloud cost.

MQTT keep alive interval must be larger than recv/ send timeout.

tio_handler_set_keep_alive_interval(handler, HANDLER_KEEP_ALIVE_SEC);

Set-up json parser resource

tio_handler_t uses jkii json parser library. jkii uses array of tokens to parse json string.

In this example, allocates 256 tokens statically.

Number of tokens to be used to parse json varies depending on how complex the target json string is. If you defined complex(i.e, a lot of fields or long arrays in the commands) control command, you would need to give larger number. Alternatively, you can use dynamic allocation for tokens by using following API:

tio_handler_t* handler,

cb_alloc is called when the token is required and it's number is exactly same as numbers need to parse json string.

cb_free is called when the parse has been done.

Execute onboarding

For the first time, Step called onboarding is required. In this step, Identifier of IoT device (thing ID) is generated and stored in cloud.

After the step, thing ID and access token is returned to IoT device. By using thing ID and access token, cloud can identify the device when the remote command is sent to the device with the thing ID or sensor data sent from the device with the token.

This step can be skipped once thing ID and access token is stored by the IoT devices.

Alternatively, you can execute this step outside of the IoT Device and pass thing ID and access token to IoT devices. Typical example is using Mobile apps to execute the onboarding step and passing thing ID and access token to the devices via BLE, etc.

/* thing ID and access token is stored in tio_author_t.
printf("thing ID: %s, access token %s\n", author->author_id, author->access_token);

Start module

Now, it's ready to start tio_handler_t module.

const kii_author_t* author = tio_handler_get_author(&handler);
tio_handler_start(&handler, author, tio_action_handler, NULL);

This call results to execute asynchronous tasks created by Task callbacks. The name of tasks initiated by this call is exported as macro KII_TASK_NAME_MQTT and KII_TASK_NAME_PING_REQ defined in kii.h.

Use tio_updater_t

Callback functions

Task callbacks, socket callbacks

Similar to tio_handler_t.

tio_updater_t only uses HTTP(s) and does not use MQTT(s).

State read callbacks

tio_updater_t uploads the IoT device state such as sensor readings periodically with the specified interval.

When the specified interval elapsed, tio_updater_t execute callback function to read the latest state of the IoT device.

Application can implement the process reading values from sensors, etc.

Size callback.

Size callback is called to ask the size of new IoT device state. This callback is called before the read callback. If the returned size is 0, tio_updater_t skips updating device state.

Signature of size callback:

typedef size_t (*TIO_CB_SIZE)(void* userdata);

userdata is context object pointer given to tio_updater_start() argument.

Read callback

Read callback is used to read actual IoT device state. Callback is repeatedly called until it returns 0.

typedef size_t (*TIO_CB_READ)(
char *buffer,
size_t size,
void *userdata);

Expected format of the IoT device state is defined by Trait.


"AirConditionerAlias" : {
"temperature" : 29,
"presetTemperature" : 20

For more details about format of the IoT device state and Trait, Please refer to (http://docs.kii.com/en/guides/thingifsdk/).

Set-up tio_updater_t instance

Here's the set-up code extracted from example app. The full code can be checked updater_init() in example.c

tio_updater_set_app(updater, KII_APP_ID, KII_APP_HOST);
tio_updater_set_cb_task_create(updater, task_create_cb_impl);
tio_updater_set_cb_delay_ms(updater, delay_ms_cb_impl);
tio_updater_set_buff(updater, buffer, buffer_size);
tio_updater_set_cb_sock_connect(updater, sock_cb_connect, sock_ssl_ctx);
tio_updater_set_cb_sock_send(updater, sock_cb_send, sock_ssl_ctx);
tio_updater_set_cb_sock_recv(updater, sock_cb_recv, sock_ssl_ctx);
tio_updater_set_cb_sock_close(updater, sock_cb_close, sock_ssl_ctx);
tio_updater_set_interval(updater, UPDATE_PERIOD_SEC);
tio_updater_set_json_parser_resource(updater, resource);
tio_updater_set_cb_task_continue(updater, _updater_continue, NULL);
tio_updater_set_cb_task_exit(updater, _updater_exit, NULL);

Other set-up process is similar to tio_handler_t.

Execute onboarding

tio_updater_onboard() method is similar to tio_handler_onboard().

If you use both tio_handler_t and tio_updater_t for an IoT device, you just need to execute onboarding process from either one. No need to execute onboarding for both method since the thing ID bonding process just need to be executed once.

After the onboarding has been done, you can get tio_author_t instance from either tio_handler_t or tio_updater_t and pass it to tio_handler_start() or tio_updater_start() method.

Start module

Now, it's ready to start the updater module.

Here's code extracted from example app.


Asynchronous task management

tio execute multiple asynchronous tasks.

The name of tasks executed by tio_handler_t and tio_updater_t listed bellow.

Tasks executed by tio_handler_t.

Tasks executed by tio_updater_t.

Avoiding race condition