The exception that is thrown when KiiCloud sends error response.
Gets the body of server response.Syntax
public string Body { get; }Value
The body.Remarks
Format is Json. Developers can handle the details by the following code.
Example catch (CloudException e) { JsonObject json = new JsonObject(e.Body); // get values }Requirements
Namespace: KiiCorp.Cloud.Storage
Assembly: KiiCloudStorageSDK (in KiiCloudStorageSDK.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Gets the status code.Syntax
public int Status { get; }Value
The status code.Remarks
See the API documents.Requirements
Namespace: KiiCorp.Cloud.Storage
Assembly: KiiCloudStorageSDK (in KiiCloudStorageSDK.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Dump http status and body. If the body is larger than 400 characters, It will be trimmed.Syntax
public override string ToString ()Returns
A string that represents the current KiiCorp.Cloud.Storage.CloudException.Remarks
Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.Requirements
Namespace: KiiCorp.Cloud.Storage
Assembly: KiiCloudStorageSDK (in KiiCloudStorageSDK.dll)
Assembly Versions: