

Represents the request for querying history state of thing


new QueryHistoryStatesRequest(alias, clause, firmwareVersionopt, bestEffortLimitopt, paginationKeyopt)

Initialize QueryHistoryStatesRequest
Name Type Description
alias string Name of trait alias of states.
clause QueryClause Clause to query history states.
firmwareVersion string Firmware version of thingType of current thing to query.
bestEffortLimit number Limit the number of results for query.
paginationKey string Key to retrieve next page.
Name Type Attributes Description
alias string Name of alias of states.
clause QueryClause Clause to query history states.
firmwareVersion string <optional>
Firmware version of thingType of current thing to query.
bestEffortLimit number <optional>
Limit the number of results for query.
paginationKey string <optional>
Key to retrieve next page.