

Represents the request for creating a command.


new PostCommandRequest(schema, schemaVersion, actions, issuerIDopt, titleopt, descriptionopt, metadataopt)

Create a PostCommandRequest.
Name Type Attributes Description
schema string Name of schema.
schemaVersion number Version number of schema.
actions Array.<number> Array of actions of the command.
issuerID TypedID <optional>
ID of the command issuer.
title string <optional>
Title of the command.
description string <optional>
Description of the command.
metadata Object <optional>
Key-value list to store within command definition.
Name Type Description
schema string Name of schema.
schemaVersion number Version number of schema.
actions Array.<Object> Array of actions of the command.
issuer string ID of the command issuer.
title string Title of the command.
description string Description of the command.
metadata Object Key-value list to store within command definition.