

Represents the fields to construct command for creating/updating command trigger.


new TriggerCommandObject(schema, schemaVersion, actions, targetIDopt, issuerIDopt, titleopt, descriptionopt, metadataopt)

Create a PostCommandRequest.
Name Type Attributes Description
schema string Name of schema.
schemaVersion number Version number of schema.
actions Array.<number> Array of actions of the command.
targetID TypedID <optional>
instance of TypedID to represent target of command.
issuerID TypedID <optional>
instance of TypedID to represent issuer of command.
title string <optional>
Title of the command.
description string <optional>
Description of the command.
metadata Object <optional>
Key-value list to store within command definition.
Name Type Description
schema string Name of schema.
schemaVersion number Version number of schema.
actions Array.<Object> Array of actions of the command.
issuerID TypedID instance of TypedID to represent issuer of command.
targetID TypedID instance of TypedID to represent target of command.
title string Title of the command.
description string Description of the command.
metadata Object Key-value list to store within command definition.